Ep.12/ creating an abundant relationship with money




Today's episode is all about creating an abundant relationship with money. Before we dive in, I want to challenge you throughout this episode to think about your own relationship with money and your beliefs around money. If you’ve never looked into this, it's a great opportunity to assess what it is that you think and feel when it comes to money. 

We all subconsciously attach certain beliefs to money, whether it's from our family, upbringing or society, and it's important to unpack these beliefs. You may have the belief that you have to work really hard in order to earn money, or perhaps you feel that money flows easily to you or do you feel like you have to spend money quickly once it hits your bank account. 

In this episode, Tara Winter unpacks how to create an abundant relationship with money. Tara Winters is an award winning life coach, soul guide, speaker and mother of 3. Her first career as a corporate accountant saw her working in Australia and the UK for large multinational corporations. After 20 years of hiding her spirituality while climbing the corporate ladder and playing down her money wisdom in the spiritual world, she now integrates her masculine and feminine energy to create a life of joy, freedom and abundance.

Today, Tara and I talk about:

  • how to navigate the financial impact when making a career transition;

  • how you can uncover and work on your money beliefs;

  • how to break free from who you think you “should” be in order to be successful in the corporate world to showing up as your most aligned self; and

So much more!

Let's dive into today's episode with Tara Winters.

Connect with Our Guest

Instagram: @tarawinters.co

Website: https://www.tarawinters.com.au/links 

Connect with me

Website: https://marijaduka.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marija-duka/ 

Instagram: @marija.duka



Ep.13/ My transition from private practice to in-house


Ep.11/ How to benefit from the great resignation