Ep.9/ job searching without the overwhelm




Today I speak to Matilda Rose, who is a Talent Acquisition Specialist and Mindset Coach for corporate women who seek motivated and fulfilled lives. Matilda uses her signature framework the CMM Method, which stands for Clarity, Mindset & Mindfulness and she uses this to support her clients to show up and feel empowered, confident, abundant and on purpose in their lives and career. 

In today’s episode, Matilda and I chat about:

  • the biggest mindset blocks for people when it comes to searching for jobs & how to overcome these blocks;

  • what to do if you’re constantly feeling unmotivated in your current job;

  • the type of candidates that stand out the most when Matilda is in the process of hiring; and

  • finding purpose in your work.

You don’t want to miss this episode, it’s packed with lots of practical tips especially if you’re in the season of searching for a new job. When we’re in the process of job searching, let’s be real, a lot of mindset blocks come up, a lot of self-limiting beliefs come up and it can get quite overwhelming so I hope today’s episode provides you with lots of value and helps you with your job searching endeavours. 

Let’s dive in and meet Matilda Rose!

Connect with Our Guest

Instagram: @matildarosemindsetcoach

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matilda-gilfillan-994615169/ 

Website: https://www.matildarosecareercoach.com.au/ 

Connect with me

Website: https://marijaduka.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marija-duka/ 

Instagram: @marija.duka



Ep.10/ 5 signs you’re ready to make your next career move


Ep.8/ the unbound lawyer