Ep.49/ Harnessing AI and Human Skills for Legal Success with Seshani Bala




In this episode of The Career Confidence Podcast, we chat to Seshani Bala, the General Counsel at KPMG New Zealand. With over 15 years of experience across Australia and New Zealand, Seshani has become a trusted advisor and business partner in the fields of legal governance, risk, and compliance. Coming from a background in private equity M&A law, she is passionate about transforming in-house legal services to help businesses flourish in the digital age while effectively managing risks.

Seshani's career journey has been anything but traditional. During the interview, she shares her inspiring story of stepping outside the expected career path and embracing new and exciting opportunities. Her experiences demonstrate that by saying "yes" to growth and taking calculated risks, you can expand your horizons beyond what you ever thought possible.

Key Insights from the Episode:

  • Embrace Non-Linear Career Paths: We dive into Seshani's career journey, which shows the power of being open to unexpected opportunities. Instead of following a predetermined career roadmap, she seized chances as they arose, propelling her into diverse roles across different sectors and countries.

  • Effective Communication with Boards and C-suite: Seshani provides valuable tips on communicating with high-level stakeholders. By being concise, practical, and aligning your communication with the organization's objectives, you can make a strong impact. Understanding the real questions and context is crucial, allowing you to provide succinct and meaningful insights.

  • Overcoming Self-Doubt and Embracing Stretch Roles: Seshani addresses the common challenge faced by many professionals, especially women, of hesitating to pursue stretch roles due to self-doubt. She encourages embracing opportunities even if you don't meet 100% of the criteria, emphasising the importance of continuous learning and a willingness to adapt.

  • Harnessing Technology and Staying Curious: Seshani highlights the ever-changing nature of the legal profession and the importance of staying curious. Embracing new technologies and remaining open to innovative approaches can empower lawyers to navigate the evolving landscape and excel in their careers.

Wrap Up

The Career Confidence Podcast offers a wealth of inspiration and practical advice for lawyers seeking fulfilling and purpose-driven careers. Seshani Bala's interview is a testament to the power of embracing non-linear journeys, effective communication, and continuous learning. By listening to the podcast, driven lawyers can gain the confidence they need to break free from traditional paths and forge their own successful careers.



Ep.50/ Transforming Your Career Narrative: Strategies to Overcome Career Struggles and Unlock Opportunities


Ep.48/ Seizing Opportunities in a Slow Job Market: Strategies for Career Growth and Success