Ep.15/ how to apply for the role when you don’t have experience




When you’re in a transition phase in your career, a fear that may come up for you is the notion that you don’t have experience in a specific role and therefore how can you apply for that role or better yet land that role.

This fear stems from the “perfectionism” mindset that you have to meet 100% of the key selection criteria. However the fact of the matter is that you don’t have to meet 100% of the criteria.

In this episode I walk you through the process of how you can apply for the role you want, even if you don’t have all the relevant experience. This is the exact process I take my clients on that has helped them move through the fear and apply for and successfully land the role they want. 

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  • The Unbound Lawyer - Click HERE to find out more. 

  • Book a free 15 min consult HERE.

Connect with me

Website: https://marijaduka.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marija-duka/ 

Instagram: @marija.duka



Ep.16/ Be A Powerhouse By Being Uniquely You


Ep.14/ what employees really want: flexibility